Frequently Asked Questions
(Maps of The Comanche park & race course below)
Frequently Asked Questions
Where and When is the Packet Pickup? See Map Below
We are still working on getting a location and will have an update for you soon.
Where and When is the race?
Race will be held at Comanche park
address: 2600 Rigsby Ave, San Antonio, TX 78222
Directions link
What is the course like? See Course Map of 5k, 25k & Relay Below.
The race will be on a fast, flat course.
Is the course certified?
We are looking into certifying the course with USATF
Can I run in more than one race?
Runners will only be to participate in one event at a time. You will either be registered for the 5k or 25K event or relay. For award purposes you will only be able to win one medal
What if it rains? Will the event be canceled?
No. We're hard core like that. Just imagine running through the snow, and dig deep. You can do it! If it is lightening we will wait till it's over and then run.
Will there be food and refreshments?
Yes! And it's FREE, catered for everyone registered for the event.
Can I bring my family or friends if they're not participating?
Yes! The more the merrier. We just ask for them to wear a mask please keep distance from all the other runnes
I love your medals. How can I get one?
Thanks, we love them too! All participants get one! We are thinking of selling our older medals for charity. What do you think? Email or Facebook me
I’m a volunteer or would like to volunteer. What time should I arrive?
6 am, report to the stage. You get an American Hero 25k Relay National Championship T-shirt, free food for you and your guests. Thanks for helping out! Fill out Volunteer Waiver Form. You can register to be a volunteer on our website below and pick the position you would like to volunteer for. https://runsignup.com/Race/Volunteer/TX/Schertz/AmericanHero25KRelayand400MeterDash
Can I change to another event?
You can change to another event online by going to your registration. However, Yes! Try to arrive as early as possible, so you don't miss your starting time. We recommend arriving at 6 am. if you need to change something on the last day. We recommend that you make the change at packet pickup
How much does it cost if I register at Packet Pickup or at the event?
Late registration costs check online registration
Where can I get a Registration Application if I want to mail it in?
We are only accepting online registrations. If you need help registering please contact us.
Can we register as a team?
Yes you can register the entire team or individually. If you register individually the first team member must set up a password and team name.
Do we have the 5k Wheelchair/Jogging Stroller/Baby Stroller Division?
Yes we do have this event divisions
What is a Buddy in the 5k?
This is a person 18 or older who will run/walk the 5k with an elementary or middle school participant. Both the runner/walker and Buddy pay must register and pay entry fee. Both runner/walker & Buddy get a t-shirt, medal, free food and goody bag.
Do all elementary/middle school participants need a Buddy in the 5k?
No, if the parents feel the child has enough conditioning/running experience to safely participate in the 5k then they do not need a Buddy.
At what age do minors need a parent to sign the registration?
Parent or Guardian must sign if a team member is a minor (17 years of age and under as of 22 Nov 2020).
Do you have a Hotline?
Please look carefully over this site and if you don’t find the answer to your question please call:
The American Hero 25K Relay Hotline: 210-454-7000
Where can I get complete results?
Near the finish line IAAP has a large monitor with current results.
Can also get Final Results: Go to Click "Results" at top of page, fink event and your name.
Are their motels near Comanche park?
yes we are only about 15 minutes from the downtown San Antonio Area
Map 1 - Click Here for Course Map & Distances of
Place your computer cursor on the ball at the bottom of the screen to slow down or stop the movement
The Comanche Park Map:
Map 2 - Click on Satellite for the Race Course. Zoom in for more detail.)